I am pretty sure, in my prior boy crazy days, that I actually pondered this in my room whilst listening to a little Ricky. What a hottie! I would be curious to see what he looks like now. His brilliant lyrics has brought so many people together. I know it was a bonding factor for David and me. Fabulous pie chart. Did you make it yourself? Good to know our college dollars are hard at work :) Hope you are snazzy!
I am pretty sure, in my prior boy crazy days, that I actually pondered this in my room whilst listening to a little Ricky. What a hottie! I would be curious to see what he looks like now. His brilliant lyrics has brought so many people together. I know it was a bonding factor for David and me. Fabulous pie chart. Did you make it yourself? Good to know our college dollars are hard at work :) Hope you are snazzy!
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