Thursday, August 28, 2008

For those about to rock, we salute you.

Two weeks ago we fulfilled one of Nathan's greatest dreams by purchasing Rock Band for the Wii. Obviously, this makes us the coolest cos-uncle and cos-aunt to Caden who rocked it out last night. Let's just say that the B-52s never performed "Roam" with the same raw animal emotion that Caden poured into every note. He also has some pretty fly moves. I don't want to scare anyone, but people better be prepared to come up against him when he slaughters the competition at family reunion.


Stephanie said...

I have to agree, he was pretty awesome! Especially that stomp thing he kept doing. Awesome!!!!

Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

He certainly has the g-man shorts to his shins thing going. I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

He's pretty much a miniature "Mick Jagger meets Kanye West". The foot was steppin' the lyrics were flowing. I thought that 5 wardrobe changes might be excessive for a night of Rock Band he managed to pull it of effortlessly and make it make it look classy. If only Rock Band awarded points for artistic interpretation.

Look out Seattle! The So. CO team is comin' at ya October '08.
